Aspen Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a safe, pain-free treatment that only takes a few minutes per visit and can often achieve results faster and better than other treatment options. Laser Therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no side effects or risks that may occur with other forms of treatment.

Why block the pain when you can treat the problem?


Treat the Source not just the symptom

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About Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a safe, pain free treatment that only takes a few minutes per visit. Laser Therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no side effects or risks that may occur with other forms of treatment. In addition, it can often achieve results faster and better than other treatment modalities. Many conditions show signs of improvement in even the first or second treatments. The primary mechanism of laser therapy is photobiomodulation which causes a stimulation of cells and tissue repair that is based on scientific research which has demonstrated positive physiological effects of infrared wavelengths on cellular organelles and electron chain molecules.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ How does Class IV Laser Therapy work?

When the photons of laer light penetrate the skin and underlying tissue, they are absorbed by the cells, and converted into energy. The cell membrane permeability is altered, which triggers a cascade of cellular events including:

  • Stimulation of ATP
  • Stimulation of respiratory chain
  • Increased DNA and RNA synthesis
  • Increased levels of beta endorphins and serotonin
  • Enhanced collagen synthesis

+ How are treatments administered?

Treatments are performed by positioning the laser hand-piece approximately 1/2" directly above the skin and surrounding the area of injury and pain with the laser treatment beam.

+ How long will the treatment take?

Depending on the condition, treatment times for this drug-free, non-invasive procedure will last on average 5-10 minutes but is based on the size of area, depth of penetration needed and condition being treated.

+ Will the treatment hurt?

Most people notice a warm, often soothing feeling. There is no pain associated with a treatment. Many also experience reduced muscle tension and tightness, reduced inflammation and improved range of motion.

+ What advantage does Class IV Laser Therapy have over other forms of treatment?

The treatment does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no dangerous side effects or risks. In addition, Laser therapy provides enhanced treatment outcomes faster than any other treatment modality.